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AnyFX™ DEMO for Project Dogwaffle - all versions (30 MB).

Demo FAQs

How is the DEMO different than the purchased version? The demo operates for an unlimited time and is identical to the purchased version but draws an X over the effects. Some effects are free and fully functional in AnyFX DEMO.

How do I install the DEMO? After saving the demo file to your hard drive, double-click it and follow instructions. That's all!
AnyFX plug-in will be listed in the same place as your standard built-in video effects and transitions.

How do I uninstall the DEMO? Choose Uninstall AnyFX from your Start/Programs/Pixelan/AnyFX PD menu. Or go into your Add or Remove Programs control panel (in Vista or Windows 7, the Programs and Features control panel) and double-click AnyFX for Project Dogwaffle.

Does AnyFX have special hardware requirements? Generally, any XP, Vista, or Windows 7 computer that you already use with your Photoshop software is fine. A DirectX 9 compatible graphic card is required, however. (Most computers in the last few years already have that.)